
Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembering Veterans Day

On this Veterans Day, I have been thinking of my grandparents and their influence on my life.  I am blessed to be a grandchild of the Greatest Generation... those incredible men and women who experienced the Great Depression and defended freedom serving in World War II.

Papa with my mom, Lynne, as a baby.

As they resumed their lives, they downplayed their incredible service and sacrifice, and I'm sure most hid their emotional scars while physical scars might be more evident.  I can remember climbing up in my Papa's lap and looking at the top of his bald head... he would point out the small dents, one made by a passing bullet, one made by a shovel thanks to his little brother.

The character of Greatest Generation is one of commitment and loyalty.  On a recent trip to Washington DC, I observed a group of older veterans at the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Their reverence and respect was palpable and left me in tears thinking how we in subsequent generations would do well to hold onto their values... slow down the busyness of our lives, place family and friends as a priority, adopt an attitude of humility, and commit to pursuits greater than ourselves.

On this Veterans Day, I thank God for my grandparents and being raised in a family where military service was considered the utmost honor.  And, I am thankful to the men, women, and families who continue to serve and sacrifice on our behalf.

Happy Veterans Day and God Bless You!

AV and Ding Merriott - "Grammy" & "Daddy Ding"
Betty Ruth Martin "Nanny"
Red Cross, Guam WWII

C.A. Martin, Jr "Papa" (Colonel, USAF)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Work... Exercise and Cystic Fibrosis

One of the neat things about my work is the opportunity to present on physical activity topics at conferences across the country.  Being an introvert and perfectionist, I will admit that I get a bit nervous speaking in front of professional audiences, but it truly is a blessing to be invited.  Most recently, I presented at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Anaheim, California.  While I don't have specific CF expertise, I enjoy learning about other areas of medicine and health and I truly believe that Exercise Is Medicine.  I also have relatives with CF, an inherited lung disease which affects 70,000 people worldwide. During a session on The Incorporation of Physical Activity into Clinical Practice: Why & How, I was able to share motivational tips and behavioral skills to help clinicians and patients incorporate exercise into treatment plans.  What most impressed me from the conference was learning about the amazing leaps made in CF research and treatment over the last few decades. 

 A few milestones according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF)...  
  • 1962 The predicted median age of survival for those with CF is 10 years of age. 
  • 1989 A team of Foundation-supported scientists discovers the defective CF gene and its protein product (CFTR), opening the door to understanding the disease at its most basic level. 
  • 1994 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves Pulmozyme®, which is proven to thin the tenacious, sticky mucus in the lungs and is the first drug developed specifically for CF. The time taken to develop Pulmozyme is less than half of the industry average. 
  • 2006 The predicted median age of survival for those with CF increases to 37 years of age.
I don't think I have ever been around a group of more dedicated and passionate scientists and practitioners. Thanks to the researchers, medical professionals, patients and families who are "Adding tomorrows every day."  Learn more about Cystic Fibrosis at

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

10 Things to Do Before 2012

Oh, this is hard... and convicting! To be reminded of my shoulda, coulda, woulda's... not fun. So, here they are in no particular order:

1. Organize prayer and devotion time to get me in the Word with consistency and depth.
2. Scan my Nanny's Bible notes into the computer... her thoughts are so precious to me!
3. Send some cards I've been meaning to send to friends.
4. Take tennis lessons; join a league.
5. Get back into a regular strength training routine.
6. Do a decent back handspring.
7. Read the non-fiction books that are beside my bed.
8. Try some new recipes and cook with Karis.
9. Re-cover my dining room chairs.
10. BLOG!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bear with me

I am in the process of transitioning from we'll see which platform I like best.  My blog posts will be lagniappe... "a little something extra" from my life as a believer, mom, wife, teacher, friend, and fitness expert. Bear with me as I get organized.  Blessings!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tomatoes: Fruit or Vegetable?

So, I'm watching "Top Chef" and the chefs' challenge is to create a healthy school lunch.  In defending their menu, a chef stated that his team added tomatoes to the sandwich for more vegetables.  A judge responded that they added a fruit, not a vegetable.  So, I was curious what mypyramid would say.  Here's the scoop...
"Hey, USDA, tomatoes are fruits not vegetables! Why does MyPyramid include them in the Vegetable Group?

Oh yes, tomatoes are fruits – botanically speaking. But so are eggplants, cucumbers, green peppers, and several others which you'd hardly expect. The botanical definition of a fruit has to do with its seeds. In MyPyramid, as was done in the Food Guide Pyramid, USDA groups foods according to how they are used in meals rather than their botanical definitions. Tomatoes are commonly eaten as vegetables as parts of salads, sandwiches, sauces, and so are in the Vegetable Group. For more on the tomato, click here."

via - United States Department of Agriculture - Tips & Resources.

Friday, August 5, 2011

In defense of my vice: Coca-Cola

Keep in mind, I am an Exercise Scientist, not a Nutritionist,,,


I am a Coke fanatic. As in the real thing. No diet. No, Pepsi is not OK. Don't try to substitute in secret... I can smell the difference.

I've loved Coke for as long as I can remember. My current mode of choice is in Sonic form... usually Large during Happy Hour which still comes in under $1... barely. In my hometown of Ruston, Louisiana, I prefer my Coke in Icee form, either from Citgo U Pak It on Tech Drive (formerly Handee Mart) or Ken's Mini Mart on the Choudrant exit.

It is difficult to defend my vice. However, if I am forced to, I will justify it as an sports drink... sugar for energy, caffeine for performance enhancement, water for hydration.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th! Celebrate Freedom!

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting someone from another country who, in his native land, does not have the most basic religious freedom. I wish I could share more of the story, because it is almost impossible for someone from the west to believe. As a believer in the United States, I am aware that religious oppression exists, but this awareness is more of an intellectual acknowledgment rather than a real understanding. In speaking with this person, I had a brief glimpse into the real sacrifices that people make each day to follow Christ. This willingness to lay everything down... home, work, family, even life itself... is something that most of us will never know. Yet, with this sacrifice and the normal human emotions of fear and loss, I sensed a great joy and resolve, a freedom in Christ.

Believers everywhere are called into freedom, a new life given to us. So, why do I too often live in this freedom as if I am burdened?  Why do we treat our walk as an obligation rather than as a celebration?

This Independence Day, we should celebrate the freedoms that this day causes us to remember. As Americans, our freedom has been bought with the blood of men and women who have given all. I am thankful for my grandparents who, throughout my life, shared glimpses of the commitment of the greatest generation and their service to God, country, and family.

As Christians, our freedom has been bought with the blood of Christ. I am thankful for my recent conversation that showed me this truth in a new light.

"My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace"

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hello blog world… ready or not, here I come!

So, I've thought about doing a blog for a while now, but I always seemed to put it off for one reason or another.  There isn't anything special about today (in a blog sense), although it is Father's Day.  This blog is mainly for me... for accountability in my passion areas (faith, family and fitness) and to document life's journey as a believer, wife, mom, friend, teacher, scientist, and physical activity advocate.  I hope that there are things that I can share along the way that may be useful, entertaining, or otherwise interesting to those that may happen upon my posts.

